Mock Parliament - युवा सांसद was conducted in BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL, NISHATPURA, BHOPAL on 16th January '2024 which was organised by KUNJILAL VIDHYA PEETH, BHOPAL.
The esteemed Guests were Shri M.K Rajoriya - Under Secretary Govt. of Madhya Pradesh (Parliamentary Affairs Dept.), Shri Mukesh Mishra- Ex Under Secretary M.P. Vidhan Sabha Secretariate, Shri Rajeshwar Nath Pathak- Assistant Director - Directorate of Parliamentary Instruction and Mrs Anita Gandher - Yuva Sansad Incharge ,Sansadiya Vidhyapeeth.
The Students of Classes IX- Xll have participated in the session with great enthusiasm and joy.

The students and staff of Bal Bharati Public School Nishatpura Bhopal bid farewell to the outgoing students of class XII. Filled with curiosity and zeal, the farewell ceremony was organized by the students and teachers of class XI on 13th January 2024 at the school campus. The day was a fiesta devoted to the years spent together with friends and teachers, to reminisce joyous moments.

A Seminar on stress management for classes 10th and 12th was organized in our school on 11th December 2023.
It was a two-hour session conducted by famous Psychologist and Speaker Mr.Pradeep Mandal from Pune.
A seminar was conducted on stress management for students during and before exams, related problems, techniques, and issues to successfully deal with them.

Senior State Championship 2023
Date: 20 November 2023
NAITIK PATHAK of CLASS 9th B has been selected for the SENIOR STATE CHAMPIONSHIP which will be happening at NBA BASKETBALL COMPLEX, INDORE(M.P) from 22/11/23 to 24/11/23. Now he is going to represent the R.C.C BHOPAL TEAM. This tournament is being organized by MADHYA PRADESH BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION

Diwali celebration & children's day program was organized with great joy in our school on 10th November this year. On this day all the students, teachers and staff members of the school were wearing new clothes. The entire school campus was decorated with flowers and lights, which made the atmosphere of the school very positive.

CBSE National Athletics meet Raipur ( CG)
5th Nov to 7th Nov 2023
* Our Students Participated in All India CBSE cluster and foreign cluster
* Vansh Meena of class 12th got 12th position in 400 m time 53.56sec

A throng of activities was organized all throughout the day to support the cause of promoting unity and celebrating “National Unity Day” on the school premises.

Students of Grade VI A and B went on a field trip to the flower nursery at Shubham Nursery, Patel Nagar Bhopal. In the nursery, they witnessed a myriad variety of colorful, aromatic flowers. They were also acquainted with different types of saplings and plants. The teacher gave information about the different flowers and plants, the importance of trees, and the need to protect and conserve them. On the whole, the field was an informative and enjoyable experience for the students and teachers.


Bal Bharati Public School Nishatpura grabbed the overall trophy in the inter-school competition held at IVY Global School 5 out of 6 teams of our school secured positions in all the competitions.


All India inter BBPS sports meet 2023
* Alok pal got silver medal in 100 m
* Shiv Raghuwanshi got silver medal in 1500 m
* Vansh meena got gold medal in 200 m & 400 m

आज दिनांक 14 सितंबर को हिंदी दिवस समापन समारोह का आयोजन बाल सभा में किया गया हम समस्त हिन्दी विभाग के शिक्षक प्राचार्य के अत्यंत आभारी है जो उन्होंने यह उत्तरदायित्व हम लोगो को सौंपा ।
इस कार्यक्रम में हिंदी विभाग द्वारा पूरे सप्ताह विभिन्न प्रकार की गतिविधियां करवाई गई जिनका प्रमाणपत्र वितरण समारोह भी किया गया ।

Our school organized a Cleanliness Drive under the Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat Abhiyaan Programme on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. The main purpose of this program was to create awareness among the students regarding Cleanliness and its benefits.
Under this program, all the students from 6th to 9th had to participate. Even teachers were an essential part of this drive.

The 77th Independence Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm by all the students of the school. There was a feeling of pride and patriotism in everyone’s heart. The program was concluded with a vote of thanks. In the end, sweets were distributed to the students.

Shaswat Sharma 6B
School topper in*International humanity Olympiad*

4 Girls are selected and participate in the sub-junior Team Open National Sub-junior Throw Ball Championship
Venue- Held in Villianur (Puducherry)
1-Tejasvi Sone 10B
2-Wedehee Shringee 10B
3-Akansha Patel 10B
4-Somya Yadav 10B

Financial Literacy Initiative was undertaken by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in BBPS on 5th August 2023 for Staff. Resource person was Mrs. Savita.

Founders Day at BBPS
School is the most inspiring place to grow.
We are highly honoured to have been provided this auspicious opportunity to celebrate this day.
This time it was really special as our tiny tots of Montessori have prepared and performed on this occasion.
There was dance,song and lots more to make this day a memorable one.

Investiture Ceremony 2023-24
The investiture ceremony for the session 2023-24 was conducted on 15 July 2023 under the benign presence of Respected Principal Sir, Co-ordinator Mradulata Mam, and all the dignified House masters.
Suryansh Sen and Soumya Singh took the oath for the School Head boy and Head girl respectively. They along with the other Office bearers were bestowed with the responsibility to lead their school from the front with their commitment, confidence, and competence.
The school held the ceremony with great enthusiasm. It was the occasion where the young students were all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them by the school. To inculcate leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of being an important and integral part of the administrative body, the ‘Student Council’ is formed every year.

"Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that
creates inner serenity and harmony.”
International yoga day is celebrated with full enthusiasm in our school.

Capacity Building Programme in BBPS 14 & 15 June 2023
Spokesperson- Mr Rajesh Khambayat
(Professor and HOD Department of Technical and vocational education and research at NITTTR,BHOPAL)
In order to enhance the requisite skills and make teaching and learning-a two way successful process and to attain the learning outcomes- a workshop was organized in the school premises that was attended by the educators of BBPS Nishatpura and BBPS Neelbad respectively.
Workshop on 15th June 2023
Topic- Know your Diet, Health & Nutrition
By Ms. Prachi Chaturvedi
The event was organized by our school Bal Bharati Public school, Nishatpura and professional dietician Ms. Prachi was been invited who took an interesting and informative session for the faculties.
Sport person -Mariam Shahid, Miss Sonu Di, work as a art of living , international faculty with 11+ years of experience , a certified QCI yoga trainer by "Ayush Ministry "government of india and expert Kathak dancer ,runs NGO "my Astitva" and promotes organic farming.
She also focus on body, mind and soul .
It was very helpful sessions for the teachers.

Inter School Competition
Aagaaz 2023 - BBPS Khargone.
Event-Aagaaz Craftmen
Date - 3.5.2023
1-Priyanka Singh Yadav.6th A
2-Bhaumik Singh 6th A
Participants made an exhibit model of Lord Buddha using eco-friendly material according to the allotted country SINGAPORE.
They got the first position in the event.

हिन्दी उत्कर्ष मंडल द्वारा आयोजित अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हिन्दी ओलंपियाड 2023 में प्रियंका सिंह यादव पांचवीं 'अ ' ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर 46वाँ स्थान प्राप्त कर विद्यालय को गौरवान्वित किया है .

A tracking expedition was organized for classes 8th and 9th on 30th April 2023 to Raisen Fort and Mahadev Pani.

New Basketball ground inauguration by CWM -Mr. Ashish Kumar
Our school held the inauguration ceremony of a new basketball court, which was a long-awaited event for all students and staff. The ceremony was attended by the school's principal, staff members, and students, who were all eager to see the new facility.

Congratulations to Aditi Dhawre of Class V ,Bal Bharati School,Nishatpura for showing her scintillating performance in Art and being selected at State Level in Painting Competition organised by “Aurous Academy”,
94.3 MY FM on 7th Feb 2023.

Delighted Moment for Bal Bharati public school Nishatpura Bhopal. Our school has got multiple prizes in Digiteens events organized by Career College Bhopal. First Prize - Ashutosh raj (DigiPoster) Third Price - Kartik Yadav(Digiposter) Third Prize - Sakshi Yadav (real discord Debate Competition) and Best Coordinator Award for representing the school in all the events to Mrs.Ridhima Awasthi

BBPS Nishatpura got first prize in Inter School Group Song Competition Junior as well as Senior Group Held at Oriental School Bhopal

BBPS Nishatpura secured first prize in Inter School Football Competition held at Sardar Patel Public School Misrod Bhopal.
Date - 6 th Dec to 8th Dec 2022

State Level Painting Competition under National Campaign on Energy Conservation 2022.
Following students bought laurels to the School:-
Tejasvi Sone of Class 9 B got consolation prize and a cash prize of Rs.9500/- in Category B.
Nishi Kumari of Class 7 B also got consolation prize and a cash prize of Rs.9500/- in Category A.

Event: Drawing Competition
Organised by: CRWS Nishatpura Bhopal.
Date: 5/11/2022
Topic: Corruption free India.
Our young artists got the following prizes:-
1 prize Garima Srivas 8B
2 prize Shriya Chouhan
3 prize Aliya Khan 8B
Consolation prize: Janvi Singh and Nayan 8B

Event:Inter school Sahodaya Kho kho Tournament
Organized by LNCT world school
Date: 4 th and 5 th November
Our students bagged Runner-up

Sports achievement- District Level Handball competition was held on 7th October , 2022 at Government Higher Secondary School Akbarpur Kolar for under 19 girls .Team BBPS, Nishatpura, Bhopal won 1st position.

Sports achievement- District Level Handball competition was held on 7th October 2022 at Government Higher Secondary School Akbarpur Kolar for under 19 Boys. Team BBPS, Nishatpura, and Bhopal won Runner-up

On National integration day, the birthday of iron man(31-Oct.)SARDAR VALLABH BHAI PATEL rally was organised by BBPS nishatpura from school to CWM office (to &fro) successfully and oath on the day is taken by all of us with by CWM sir.
Teacher- incharge
Sandeep Sharma
Ranjeet Pathak

Regional Museum of Natural History, Bhopal organized Folk song competition on August 25 th 2022. It's a proud moment for us to bagged second position by Mehwish Rizvi of class 10.
She has received prize on 29 th sep. for the event.

दिनांक 14 सितंबर को बाल भारती पब्लिक स्कूल निशातपुरा में 'हिंदी दिवस' का आयोजन हर्षोल्लास के साथ हुआ।सर्वप्रथम कार्यक्रम की शुरुआत माँ सरस्वती के पूजन एवं दीप प्रज्वलन के साथ हुई।इसके पश्चात विविध कार्यक्रम की श्रृंखला में हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास दर्शन ,लघु नाटिका, कवि सम्मेलन, हिंदी गीत एवं मनमोहक नृत्य का आयोजन हुआ।कार्यक्रम की अगली कड़ी में हिंदी पखवाड़ा के अंतर्गत हुई विविध प्रतियोगिताओं का पुरस्कार वितरण प्राचार्य द्वारा किया गया।प्राचार्य जी के प्रेरक उद्बोधन ने कार्यक्रम की शोभा बढ़ा दी।उन्होंने अपने उद्बोधन में हिंदी भाषा की उपयोगिता एवं महत्त्व को बताया।कार्यक्रम के अंत में हिंदी विभागाध्यक्ष ने कार्यक्रम में सम्मिलित विद्यार्थियों तथा शिक्षकगण का आभार व्यक्त किया।

*Activity:Artistic Soap-Online event
*Category : Class 9 & 11
*Date: 26th August 2022
*Prize Won---1st Position.
*Participant Ananya Chaudhary Class 11.

EVENT: Abhivyakti '2020
TOPIC: Scientific memes
Date: 25/8/2022
*CATEGORY Class 6th-8th
*Organised by -Bal Bharati Public School,Gadarwara
Result: 3rd Position.
Winner: Vaibhav Sen Vll B

Chess Competition District Level
Date: 1- 6 September 2022
Venue: Government Govindpura Girls Higher Secondary School BHEL
Category: Under 14,17 and 19 years.
Result: Following students of Bal Bharati Public School Nishatpura were selected for Division level:
1. Vinay Patel - 3 position
2.Divyanshu Singh- 3 position
3.Mohit Shakya- 4 position
4. Aadya Jaiswal- 5 position.

National Level Competition.
Date: 4 to 13 June 2022
Venue: Haryana ( Panchkula)
Category: Under 18 years.
Participant: Amrita Singh
Class: 12 A

An inter-school Volleyball Tournament was held on 3/9/2022.
Host: Sage International School Kolar.Bhopal.
Bal Bharati Public School Nishatpura secured ll position in both the Juniors and Seniors levels.
In another event that was held online by BBPS Ratnagiri, two students of Bal Bharati Public School Nishatpura got the second position.
1.Rishabh Pratap Singh 9B
2. Hemika Prasad 9A

In our school, we celebrated Azadi ka Mohatsav on 3rd September 2022 for Preschool and Pre- Primary. Our chief guest Mr. Nil Kishore Sinha sir appreciated the efforts of our young talents and motivated them with his inspiring words. The parents were overwhelmed to see the excellent performances by their wards.
The children presented patriotic songs, Dances, and the Dandi March skit
The program ended with a positive response from the parents and with the vision of organizing many more such events.

Our school has achieved 2nd position in ENCUESTA Quiz competition organised by St.Montfort Senior Secondary School Bhopal.

Nishtha sone of class 4th secured III position in Story Making Competition in Inter School Competition by BBPS Indraprastha yogna.

BBPS Nishatpura won 2nd Position in Mythological saga
Group dance competition.

Dakshita Tripathi of class 5th secured II position in science melody competition in online inter school inter BBPS competition.

Sweeter than honey, tastier than curd, pleasanter indeed than any happiness and joy is the company, is the power of the name of Krishna. The birthday of Lord Krishna is celebrated with great devotion and enthusiasm in school premises.

Like every year, this year also, our school celebrated Independence Day on 15 August 2022 with great joy and pomp. On that day the sense of happiness and pride could be clearly seen on the faces of all the people as India was celebrating its 76th Independence Day on 15th August 2022.

1. GEMA International Elocution Competition 25 April 2022.
Sakshi Yadav class 11 secured an II position & Diya Sen class 9 got a Participation certificate.
We also got the Trophy of Excellence for School.
2. International Painting Olympiad held on 15 April 2022
Participant: Diya Sen
Result: Certificate of Excellence and participation certificate.
Trophy of Appreciation for School.
Mentors: Nivedita Srivastava and Samreena Aman

Our School has come a long way since its establishment and to commemorate our little achievement, we are planning an event i. e) FOUNDER'S DAY of BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL ,NISHATPURA, BHOPAL on 23.7.22

Jay Baghel of Class 12B secured second position (silver medal) in Under 18 Inter School Yoga Competition held at Kamla Nehru Public School Nehru Nagar Bhopal

This is to proudly announce that our School has won the SWACH VIDYALAYA PURASKAR in MP State.

Mohit Shakya secured first position in the school in silver zone Olympiad

An orientation session was organized for new Admissions in Mont 1 and Mont 2 on 30-3-2022. The day was made more colorful with cultural programs and projection of Activity rooms and school information. It was a very enjoyable function that brought joy and a sense of achievement to all.

Manya Ranyal got Gold Medal in under 19 Girls Catagory (DPSG Sehore)

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.
We have celebrated International Yoga Day with great enthusiasm on 21.6.2022.

In an Inter School Event "Expression" Mrs. Samreena Aman English TGT secured 3rd position.
& in the event "Master Stroke" Mrs. Fabiola Stanley Hindi PRT secured 3rd position.

An Inter School Event Organised by BBPS KUDGI - Varsha Meena & Waidehee Shringi class 8th won the first prize in the event "FABLE".

Manya Sahu & Rishabh Pratap Singh of class 8th won 2nd Price in an Inter School Event "Games & Tradition".

An Inter School Event Organized by BBPS Kudgi- Nihal Malviya of class 9th won 2nd prize in Scratch Funzime.
& Sanchita Samantha of class 9th won a Consolation prize in Saptak.

Tanishq Verma of class 11th Secured 3rd position in the event "EARLY RISERS".

Vaccination Camp for Students in our school
Covid-19 vaccination drive for 15-18 groups organized by railways in our school.

Soumya Singh and Bhoomika Chaurasia of class X were placed at the second position in the event -COSMOLOGY CONNOISSEURS (RJ Show).

Mansi Sahu of class VIII was placed at the third position in the event -SPACE DELIGHTS (Hands-on activity / experiment).

Pragnay Saxena of class II was placed at the third position in the event -SHUTTLE SHUNTING.

Gracy Ghodki of class III won the Innovation Award in the event FLAP IT UP

Aryan Suryavanshi of class IV won the Creativity Award in the event MASK O MANIA.

Jiya Varmora of class IV won the Artistic Award in the event ROCK AND WALK WITH MOM.

Durgendra Sahu of class VII and Divyanika Parihar of class VIII were placed at the second position in the event ENZETSU

Tanushka Soni of class V was placed at the third position.

Prisha Jain of class VII was placed at the first position in the event MY VERSION.

Divyanshi Lodhi of class VII were placed at the third position in the event DIGI-LOGUE (ON SPOT) Topic- My startup at a glance.

Harshita Chourasiya of class IV was placed at the third position in the event RELIC.

Aanvika Kushwaha and Saransh Sadhya of class V were placed at the second position in the event MYTHOS.

Bhamlesh Kumar, Moksha Meena, Ritesh Shakya and Nihal Malviya of class IX were placed at the second position in the event MELANGE.